you're one bad day away from being me.

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code of conduct
ㅤ| ㅤㅤsubjectㅤ : ㅤpellentesque dignissim lorem vel fermentum. mauris non nibh rutrum, convallis lectus ut, pulvinar nunc. fusce porttitor augue in tortor iaculis, ac imperdiet felis rutrum. in sit amet erat purus. donec ut convallis erat, ut cursus ligula. fusce felis odio, elementum id libero ac, maximus mollis tellus. nunc a turpis maximus, cursus mauris et, eleifend tellus.02.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤsubjectㅤ : ㅤin hac habitasse platea dictumst. ut tempus erat a volutpat bibendum. praesent efficitur nisl mi, non ultricies leo vulputate ac.cras convallis risus ac est scelerisque, nec hendrerit enim sagittis. suspendisse eget diam pretium, maximus mi mollis, tempor felis. nullam dapibus rhoncus erat, in porttitor odio ultricies vel. nulla eget blandit leo. nunc iaculis mattis dui quis iaculis.03.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤsubjectㅤ : ㅤmaecenas vitae mi at mauris faucibus ullamcorper non a lorem. donec iaculis tortor at odio facilisis volutpat. aliquam venenatis nisl a consectetur tempus. fusce felis orci, auctor at tortor ut, pellentesque auctor erat. nam eget metus at dui ullamcorper porta ac eget tellus. pellentesque molestie sit amet nunc ac luctus. nunc pulvinar, magna a porta elementum, justo mi vulputate elit, in porta mi purus id nulla. cras eget ex nibh.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤsubjectㅤ : ㅤpellentesque dignissim lorem vel fermentum. mauris non nibh rutrum, convallis lectus ut, pulvinar nunc. fusce porttitor augue in tortor iaculis, ac imperdiet felis rutrum. in sit amet erat purus. donec ut convallis erat, ut cursus ligula. fusce felis odio, elementum id libero ac, maximus mollis tellus. nunc a turpis maximus, cursus mauris et, eleifend tellus.05.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤsubjectㅤ : ㅤin hac habitasse platea dictumst. ut tempus erat a volutpat bibendum. praesent efficitur nisl mi, non ultricies leo vulputate ac.cras convallis risus ac est scelerisque, nec hendrerit enim sagittis. suspendisse eget diam pretium, maximus mi mollis, tempor felis. nullam dapibus rhoncus erat, in porttitor odio ultricies vel. nulla eget blandit leo. nunc iaculis mattis dui quis iaculis.06.
ㅤ| ㅤㅤsubjectㅤ : ㅤmaecenas vitae mi at mauris faucibus ullamcorper non a lorem. donec iaculis tortor at odio facilisis volutpat. aliquam venenatis nisl a consectetur tempus. fusce felis orci, auctor at tortor ut, pellentesque auctor erat. nam eget metus at dui ullamcorper porta ac eget tellus. pellentesque molestie sit amet nunc ac luctus. nunc pulvinar, magna a porta elementum, justo mi vulputate elit, in porta mi purus id nulla. cras eget ex nibh.
put a title here
ㅤname.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤbirthdate.ㅤ ㅤmarch 10, 1917
ㅤage.ㅤ ㅤ31 ( physically ), 99 ( chronologically )
ㅤspecies.ㅤ ㅤhuman. mutant.
ㅤeyes.ㅤ ㅤblue-grey
ㅤhair.ㅤ ㅤdark brown
ㅤheight.ㅤ ㅤ6' 0"
ㅤweight.ㅤ ㅤ295# ( 195# without cybernetic prosthesis )
ㅤLANGUAGES SPOKEN.ㅤ ㅤ English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Italian, Russian, German, & French.
ㅤresidence.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤhometown.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤoccupation.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤeducation.ㅤ ㅤus army special forces training. high school dropout.
ㅤmedical conditions.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤparents.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤsiblings.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤsignificant other.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤpets.ㅤ ㅤput info here
ㅤU.S. ARMY SERIAL NUMBER.ㅤ ㅤ 32557038
ㅤALIAS.ㅤ ㅤ Winter Soldier
ㅤAFFILIATION.ㅤ ㅤ HYDRA ( formerly ), Soviet Red Room ( formerly ), United States Army
ㅤIDENTIFIABLE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS.ㅤ ㅤ metallic cybernetic prosthesis replacing amputated left arm, scarring & other evidence of injury/interrogation.
ㅤPOWERS & ABILITIES.ㅤ ㅤ Left arm replaced with cybernetic prosthesis, biologically enhanced for increased speed, strength, & stamina, regenerative healing factor, expert marksman, athlete, & acrobat, US & Soviet military black ops & combat training & experience.
██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ㅤㅤDEPARTMENT X ACTIVE FOSTER REPORTㅤㅤㅤ
from the office of Attending Psychiatrist, Dr. Kyran Blossedge.ОТДЕЛ Х АКТИВ ЗАБОР ОТЧЕТ HYDRA #03020
ACESSING FILES :// "PROJECT: WINTER SOLDIER"██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Имя пациента
patient name. Seized records of Arnim Zola indicate the subject's given name was Barnes, James Buchanan. U.S. Military dog tags and intake forms included in the research files suggest American origin, rank of Sergeant, approximate date of birth; 1917, general good health, and blood type A negative. кодовое проекта
code project. Files do not indicate a codename for this project, please note that Department X commanders have elected to refer to the subject as the Winter Soldier to maintain secrecy and avoid accusations of subterfuge. Физическая Оценка
physical estimation. Subject was recovered in a sealed chamber, seemingly in cryogenic stasis or similar suspended animation. Technology is rudimentary but effective, recommended for re-use. Upon closer inspection, subject was determined to be alive and therefore woken using high-dose adrenaline administered via intracardiac injection after suitable rewarming.Upon regaining consciousness, he presented as incredibly agitated and aggressive. Prior suggestions of military training are corroborated. Asset has, in total, cost the Republic seven top-tier scientists, three orderlies, and one Colonel.WARNING: Subject is combative and hostile when not under sedation. Approach with extreme caution and administer appropriate sedative before interaction. All medical examinations were conducted while subject was restrained and unconscious. Полная физическая экспертиза
full phsyical expertise. Subject appears healthy, height and weight proportional with obvious exceptions detailed below*. BP 107/69, Resting HR 65, respiration normal. Pupils reactive, does not appear to have been mentally altered. Will obtain images to confirm, but is consistent with the lack of reports detailing any mental manipulation. Attempts to collect tissue samples for analysis reveals significantly accelerated healing factor.* Physical appearance is unremarkable, with exception of a metalloid prosthesis in place of left arm. Palpation suggests the prosthetic includes both subdermal and internal components, and is most likely incorporated at the glenohumeral joint. Point of articulation of the prosthesis at the left shoulder includes several surgical scars, indicating the possibility of more than one installation. Further investigation suggests that the prosthesis is neurologically controlled, likely the result of cybernetic technology. If this is true, it is recommended that Department X weaponry division takes over examination and testing.A full set of x-rays was obtained in order to complete assessment of subjectís physical condition, as well as to ascertain if any tracking devices or other implants exist. X-rays reveal several fractures of varying ages, including humerus, nasal septum, right orbital, cervical vertebrae C3-C5, clavicle, and both left and right ribs 4-8. Of these fractures, only the humerus, nasal septum, and clavicle have been properly set and healed, and their ages suggest that they occurred during the subjectsís childhood. Похожие курс действий
similar course of action. Considering the high value of the subjectís training, as well as the potential for intelligence gathering due to the subjectís unaltered mind, intake scientists recommend the following courses of action to maximize the efficacy of this acquisition: I.
Immediately initiate intravenous nutrient and hydration courses. Supplement with intravenous adrenalin, epinephrine, amphetamines, or sedatives as needed for alertness and compliance. II.
Contact Department X weapons division to review cybernetic prosthesis and apply appropriate symbol of Soviet loyalty. III.
Transfer subject to Red Room for interrogation, to ascertain if any intel of significant value may be obtained. Actively monitor heartrate during interrogation to avoid inadvertently causing lasting damage. IV.
Once subject has exhausted their usefulness for information ( or at such time that interrogation would cause lasting physical damage ), return subject to Department X to initiate mindwipe protocols. V.
Begin dosage of approved hallucinogens and titrate until effective level is maintained. VI.
Isolate subject and discourage contact outside of approved handlers and Red Room Levels 5 and above.██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
EARLY LIFE.1925. shiloh thomas warren was born to donna hartley and martin nichols. he is the only son of the two. however, when donna first discovered she was pregnant with shiloh, martin packed everything he owned in the middle of the night and left, never to be heard from again. donna would find help from some of her family, her sister namely, who would offer to care for her during the hardships of pregnancy, and be there for her when the baby was delivered. but raising the boy, raising him she had to do on her own.1927. shiloh is two (2) years old: by now he has said his first word and certainly taken his first steps. and donna is working two jobs to make ends meet. she is a hospital nurse by day and a club coat checker by night, leaving shiloh with her sister most nights. its a tough job, being a single mom, but donna handles herself well. people around her talk, whisper of the unmarried hand and the baby she carries at her hip, but she doesn’t listen. she loves her son, and as difficult as it is - she loves her life. there isn’t a thing in this world that would make her change her mind about that.1930. shiloh is five (5) years old: by now he is learning to read. donna manages to teach him all of these things in her spare time, what little she might have of it. she has quit her night job at this point, making more money now as a nurse after being with the hospital for over a couple of years, and even managed to move her position to evenings to spend more time with her son during the day. but come one fateful day in late winter, february of 1930, donna meets a pilot by the name of harry warren. he was kind to her, made her laugh when they first met crossing paths at the hospital one night, and soon they were inseparable. for hours after meeting, in any down time that donna would gather, they would talk. by the time her shift was over, he walked her home. they began a relationship that night and then, four months later, they married. shiloh officially becomes a warren.1934. shiloh is nine (9) years old: he has been in school for a couple of years now, he stays awake at night waiting for his mom to get home from the hospital some nights and learns about what harry does for a living. harry warren has become shilohs greatest role model. harry taught him how to ride a bike at six years old, and has taught him how to play baseball at seven. every chance they get now, they go to games at the fields and spend a whole day watching the different teams play; it becomes their favorite pass time to do together. and sometimes harry will take him to the base he is stationed at and show him the plane he flies sometimes, and that is the first time shiloh claims that when he grows up, he wants to be just like harry. he wants to fly.1939. war is brewing, the world is perhaps more uncertain than it ever has been and the people are worried. shiloh is fourteen (14) years old. growing concerns are leading some young men to take initiative, the older brothers of some of shilohs classmates are enlisting in case the events of war do unfold and america decides to step its foot into the door. shiloh, being fourteen and impressionable, goes home after being told yet another brother of his classmates is “going to war” and telling his parents that he wishes to become a solider in case the fighting starts. heartbroken and worried for shilohs safety, both harry and donna sit down with him and talk him through what it means to be a soldier, and how he isn’t quite old enough but if in the next couple of years he still wishes to become a soldier, they won’t stop him. its the second time shiloh states that he wishes to be like harry: he wants to be strong and a solider, and he wants to fly.they both insist on him waiting. waiting until he’s older, waiting until he is eighteen to decide what he wishes to do with the rest of his life. if he wants to fly, harry will speak to someone once he’s old enough. but at fourteen, the talks and whispers of war fresh on his mind, “please, wait” is what his parents say. and he does, he waits. the walks of war become reality in just a few short months, september marks the beginning of tragedy half a world away. shiloh keeps a keen eye on the news, every piece of information he can take in. he waits as one year passes, 1940. then another, 1941. then another, 1942. and that is when things begin to change…1942. shiloh is now seventeen (17) years old. 1942 marks the beginning of when the tides begin to shift. men across america are enlisting and being drafted for the war effort after the events that occurred at pearl harbor just the year before. men are eager to join, bring the fight to the bastards that “messed with the wrong fuckin’ bull,” as shiloh once heard. 1942 also stands as the year that harry began getting orders to fly out with other men to help their allies across the pond in bringing aid to their people, as well as provide more air support against the germans. seeing harry go was the hardest part of it, having to say goodbye to him for months at a time, never knowing when he will return to them, but it solidified in shiloh the want to be a soldier. he wanted to help, he wanted to be part of the difference, part of the people that would bring aid to someone who needed his help and that of the various other allies across the world.
ㅤㅤMILITARY SERVICE.ㅤㅤ1943. our boy is officially eighteen (18) years of age and, as promised, allowed his freedoms to enlist his services in the armed forces. however, his dream to fly would not come to be… the pilot program simply didn’t see him as a good candidate. feeling more than a little defeated, shiloh wouldn’t allow that to stop him. he may never have gotten to fly, but he made damn sure made the best soldier on the ground that he could be. in 1944, shiloh doesn’t see as much action as others do, but still the hardships of war reach even him, as do the stark realities that men often come face to face with when dealing with life and death. war still changes him in ways that it changes all men, it scars him in unimaginable ways. he sees death and destruction on another level, he becomes oddly familiar with the best and worst of humanity, and he finds a brotherhood amongst the men. men he’d die for, he’d fight for, who he was, is, and always shall be proud to call his brothers.1945. at twenty (20) years old, shiloh has seen more things than any one person should. at twenty years old, shiloh warren has seen the effects of war and become familiar with them himself. but in 1945, the war is over. at least, thats what they say. thats what they tell the people, the soldiers who have carried the conflict in the european theater. germany surrenders in late january, and the war officially ends on paper. the soldiers, however, the war torn citizens of europe, must live on with a constant war. no more missions, no more orders, no more fighting; but still a battle rages. its the case even for shiloh. he never stops fighting that war, it just gets easier to subdue his demons, his own enemies, and even that takes years to master.twenty year old shiloh warren is sent back home to the states with a pat on the back and joins that welcome home parade. the spirits are high for now, and its easy to hide in the distraction of it all. the war is over, VE DAY is what they call may 8th, 1945. shiloh spends that day finding a train to take him home, new york to st. louis, or as close to it as he can come.and once he’s back home, shiloh spends every waking moment he has trying to forget the horrors he witnessed overseas. he tries to find his peace, but he doesn’t have to do it alone. harry, also returning home from the war almost a week after shiloh, helps him through each day. they help each other. they find comfort in knowing that they aren’t alone, and come to be open and honest with each other of just what they had seen and been apart of. none of it was easy. it was the hardest thing shiloh learned to live with, the hardest thing that harry had ever helped him with. it was awful and rotten and dirty, there were no pretty sides to the aftermath of the war. some days were harder than others, but slowly they both had come to find a peace. its consistent work, never stops. “it never will,” harry told him. and it was certainly the truth. even decades later, shiloh will work through his past and fight his demons.1947. 1947 would go down as one of the worst years for the warren family. newly twenty-two (22), shiloh warren loses the only father he has ever known. harry warren had been called upon multiple times to return to the air, and without question nor hesitation - harry responded. that time in 1947 was no different. he was called upon one last time and like before, harry never asked any questions nor hesitated. he was out of the house within an hour of getting called to base, saying his goodbyes to his family never knowing that they would be his last. the mission was, and will likely never be, disclosed, wrapped tightly in confidential tape and flagged top secret, but somewhere around 0600 hours, just over the pacific ocean, or that is what the military assumes, harry warren, along with two other man (lloyd walsh and edward madison), disappears. no radio contact, but perhaps the worst of all: no signs of a crash over land. a month long search was conducted for the three men, but further answers or evidence was never found. each man on plane was declared MISSING IN was a harsh and devastating blow to shiloh. the man that taught him everything he had ever known, the man who loved him like his own son, who raised him to be every bit of the man he was: gone in a single night. and nobody was telling him anything, not a single word, when he tried to keep as up to date on the investigation as he could be as it was active, nobody would give him anything. no answers, no help. shiloh was meant to simply accept the fact that harry was gone. but it wasn’t sitting with him; he promised himself that he was going to find answers, even if it took him until he died to get them. harry’s mission file, as well as those of the other two men that had gone with him, was sealed and labeled top secret the next day. shiloh would never know why or what exactly happened to harry warren. but he did find one thing … harry was running early surveillance.1950. shiloh, now twenty-five (25), was more convinced than ever that harry warren, the man who had disappeared over the ocean just three years earlier, was actually shot down by the russians. the news of the cold war has spread like wildfire throughout the country. many people fear another entrance to war, others are afraid of total devastation by way of nuclear war, and even more are going about their normal lives doing their best to ignore the goings on of the world outside of their own. for shiloh, he is more determined than ever to figure out what happened to his father. the last three years after his disappearance, shiloh warren has worked heavily, consistently, down to his very bone to getting into the cia to become an agent, getting into foreign affairs, and ultimately across the sea to bring the fight to them, the questions to them. the people he was sure had been responsible for his fathers fate.shiloh was largely successful. with much push and because of his strong drive, he was picked up and then immediately assigned to their foreign affairs. and not long after that, he was chosen to be one of their overseas operatives on the ground, of which there were becoming few and far between. the missions were getting harder, the information tighter due to the blockade. but some pushed through, some managed. next was shiloh.ㅤㅤCOLD WAR.ㅤㅤ1952. shiloh first touches foreign soil for the second time in his life in 1952, when he is twenty-seven (27) years old. for the first couple of months during the brutally cold months of november through january (then entering into ‘53), shiloh spent the majority of his time on the western side of the occupied country. he studied ins and outs of the wall, the divide and the blockades that seem to run for miles down the middle of germany. he became familiar with the language, both german and russian, became familiar his each of his various contacts. some of them were double agents, working with british intelligence as well as the united states to provide information of the status of their super power neighbor; some were those who managed to escape the eastern side and work to free the rest of the country and at least have a hand in bring down the ussr.1953. shiloh didn’t manage to cross into the eastern part of the country until mid 1953. he is smuggled in by one of his contacts. to the eastern side, shiloh is a regular citizen of germany under the name otto neumann. he would often times pose as his contacts nephew, as his most prominent contact, the one that he would turn to most, and would become his in between point of communications, was a little over a decade his senior.when they crossed the blockade, they would go their separate ways but meet up every other sunday for “bunch” at a cafe, often in public eye, broad daylight, to exchange the “weekly news.” shiloh would give him everything he has gathered, often in an envelope tucked into a newspaper or sometimes a pastry box with a false bottom, or even a book; and his contact would give him something in return sometimes, new missions and new reports often in similar ways. both of them having their reports coded. keywords always shifted back and forth, often granted in their conversations to each other. it was how they managed to keep themselves safe, their information, their work. it was another way they could guarantee each other that everything would be safe. after those “brunches,” they would again part ways. emergency meets were rarely called, though the process for that, too, was simple and coded. each did their part to stay under the radar. you never know when you’re being monitored.1954. soon. basics: he gets moved closer to russia (and often gets missions in russia), gets in touch with a different contact. less time to get acquainted with things, leads to mistakes being made by his contact, ultimately getting him (the contact) killed and nearly getting shiloh killed in the process. for a couple months after that, shiloh was solo. then he gets a new contact, they accomplish a lot together. then 1955…ㅤㅤMISSION THAT WENT WRONG.ㅤㅤ1955. 1954 may had been the year that shiloh warren had almost been made, the year with too many close calls than he would ever care to admit. the year he was less careful, they all were. it was becoming harder and harder to obtain information, harder and harder to get it out and through the grapevine to important officials in the states and the united kingdom. the tensions beginning to grow higher than ever, the push for something, anything, was becoming more demanding by the day. something had to be done and it needed to be done fast to get them the edge. the cia has had many failures in the past years, many held doubts that they were even capable of keeping them ahead in this race, the silent war between global superpowers. but, alas, 1955 would become the year that shiloh would, unfortunately, be made. september 8th, 1955 - it was routine. it should have been routine. met with his contact, new mission came across his table, but this one was different. this one was a two man job. his contact was joining him. the code was “bridge.” shiloh had eight (8) hours to read, become familiar, and understand his role, then meet his contact at his apartment. it was supposed to be that simple, something he had done many times before that night. but fate and the realities of war, even that of a silent one, had something else in mind. shiloh was ambushed in his car at a stop in a neighborhood, not even a block from where he was supposed to meet his contact. they ransacked his car, his belongings, though never found anything of value. they left the car running at the stop and took shiloh with them. shiloh fought for a little bit, to the best of his abilities, but the men that grabbed him were surprisingly bigger than him, stronger, and one of them squeezed him into a chokehold until he passed out. weapons were removed from his person, both guns at the side holsters and the knife in his boot. he was bound, blindfolded, and gagged. everything was black for around an hour, consciousness returning to him after half that time. they held shiloh for hours. beating him, questioning him, more or less torturing him. shiloh never said a word to them. not. one. word. they were met with silence, resilience in spite of everything, just like he was trained for. his mouth was shut and there was nothing they could do to get him to talk. they were going to have to kill him and, for what it was worth, for that whole time, shiloh had resigned himself to that. he would die there. he would die there like harry probably died there. he would never see home again. after the eleventh (11th) hour of having shiloh warren in their grasp, the attempt to pull anything out of him was called. “kill him.” was the order given to them. and certainly they planned to, but shiloh wasn’t going out without a fight. shiloh twisted his way out of his restraints, breaking a couple fingers in the process mind you, and attacked them first. the first one was easy, he’d gotten too close and challenged an angry man. shiloh used what remained of his restraints to choke, then break the mans neck. the next, the last, was more of a challenge. shiloh was already weak after that brief fight put up with his first captor, after the shit they put him through - reason said escape, don’t try to fight. and that was what he tried to do. escape. don’t fight. he could fight again later. yet even that was never supposed to be simple either. shiloh managed to escape him for a little but, naturally, he was slow. too slow. the other man was faster, had a job to finish. it was a brutal fight, a brutal effort from both of them. shiloh was sure he at least broke the other mans leg in three places, broke his nose, dislocated his shoulder, but the damage inflected upon him was much worse. he was beaten into the floor, kicked in his ribs, where three or four of them inevitably broke, slammed into a wall, concussed, and still … still he tried to get back up, tried to get away, tried to escape not fight. escape, escape, escape. for his efforts, shiloh was shot twice. through and through wounds. an inch, precisely, apart from each other. they pierced through the back, fell through the front of his body. and shiloh collapsed forward after they ripped through him. again, he had resigned himself to the fact that he was going to die there, half a world away from his mother, the same way harry assumedly died. by the russians. for whatever the reason may had been, the other man hadn’t finished him off. instead, he said something about “letting you suffer” and was never seen again. shiloh laid there on a dirty floor, staring at a broken ceiling, certain he was going to die. by some grace of god, or maybe it had been luck, or maybe there was some other explanation, he wasn’t entirely sure, he still isn’t, his contact was able to find him. he was the one who dragged shiloh out of the building, who would get him to someone that would stabilize him enough for transport (which included emergency surgery, opening him up to fix the damage), who would hand him off to someone else that would smuggle him across blockade in germany, and getting him back into allied care. shilohs memory of each passing moment boarders on blurry to nonexistent. he remembered pain, he remembered blackness, he remembered voices. most of all, he remembered harry. he would never be able to explain it but, somehow, harry kept him alive and fighting to stay alive that whole time.
ㅤㅤVOUGHT & THE SERUM.ㅤㅤ1955. november 15th, 1955. another date to remember. over a month has passed since his incident in russia, his healing is terribly slow. he had gotten back stateside and immediately had to go into a second surgery due to an infection starting in his wounds. he was cleaned up, rebadged after surgery, each of his bones reset and some required splints. he was going to be in the hospital for a very long time. nowhere near a point he could even begin to think about leaving, much less getting up to walk. and that was when someone at vought saw the perfect opportunity. someone, he would never remember the name clearly, sat with him at his bedside one night, while all the nurses were away, and spoke to him about an experimental drug trial. sounded “batshit nuts” as shiloh put it, which kind of amused the other man and he agreed, but continued to reassure him, something about being safe, something about how it wouldn’t hurt him, and it would save him so much pain. it was a subtle leech on the very vulnerable circumstance shiloh warren found himself in, and still yet … he would agree.he was pulled from the hospital the next day, moved to a more controlled environment. he wouldn’t be told what they were giving him, not or the first couple of days at least, while they ran tests before even giving him the injection. he was part of a group of 30 people, all of them getting the same injection, the same miracle drug trial.on the day of testing, and only that day, they were allowed a name. CV-A-838. and what the purpose was: to make super soldiers without the powers of supes. to make the average human being stronger, faster, more durable than that of their average counterpart, but still less so than a supe. shiloh was the fourth person injected, and immediately he knew he was lied to. “it won’t hurt you,” but he felt immense pain immediately. nothing they would give him, what little they could without counteracting the serum, would so much as scrape the surface of the pain he felt. it was deep, bone deep. and it would terrorize him for hours. but he supposed that he had it better off than others - others were dying, rather immediately after their injections, some suffering more intensely than he was before death took them away. very few survived, 6 out of 30. shiloh being one of them. the other 5, however, were … worse off than he was. the serum scrambled something in their brains, some of them became violent, so much so that heavy amounts of sedation had been used to knock them out.shiloh thomas warren remained the only surviving and sane member of the CV-A-838 serum trials. it was, overall, labeled a failure and further trials were immediately canceled and trashed. but with their only success, they studied what they could. CV-A-838 was a marvel, the love child of the original compound v hero serum and an unnamed mixture, and certainly performed well on shiloh. he was given superhuman strength, stamina, and durability. and while powers were not the original idea from this drug, the opposite actually, shilohs inherited ability to turn off the pain receptors in his body as a result of the injection baffled doctors and, despite copious amounts of research throughout the years, none would ever find an answer nor replicate it in further serum trials. not even in temp v, which was loosely founded on the research gifted by compound v and CV-A-838. the serum also, surprisingly, gave shiloh the ability to heal himself, albeit slowly. the wounds that he had come in with, those atrocious things, merely scarred over and his bones snapped back into place hours after the pain had stopped from his injections.and rather than allow shiloh to roam free with these new found abilities, vought offered shiloh a position; put his skills to good use for the company. shiloh knew better than to refuse, especially given that they had saved his life. for whatever reason. he agreed, and thus begins his long and continuous tenure at vought. he becomes their go-to guy to bring in supes that go “too far off the rails,” as they put it; his job to make sure things go voughts way, the way they need it to go; his job to make sure the press stays clean, even if that means intimidating someone into putting out some bullshit, or … cleaning up the mess all together by getting dirty. shilohs job also ranges from being an escort, more or less, to missions, the ones where vought needs their supes to behave, to do things clean, to make sure things go their way from the start. he is their attack dog, their executioner. their caretaker.
CURRENT TIMES.NOTE: THIS IS MOSTLY SEASON 3 & ONWARD, AS I HAVEN’T SEEN SEASON 1-2 BUT I DO KNOW MOST (THOUGH CERTAINLY NOT ALL SO FORGIVE ME) OF WHAT HAPPENS. 2022. shiloh has created a name for himself at vought international. “the caretaker” becomes synonymous with mystery, with the untold happenings behind closed doors, with all the wrongs and very rare rights vought dips their hands into. eventually though (somewhere around end of season 1, into 2), shiloh begins to realize that nobody is trying to take this company down, nobody is fighting the good fight, not successfully at least. he realizes that this company is only becoming an empire, one that hides its secrets even from him, and even from their top dog. he wakes up and realizes … he’s working for the bad guys. in the events of season 3 - shiloh warren is doing his best to move silently to bring down this company, playing both sides. he will do whatever it takes to bring this shit down, whatever it takes to end vought for good, to put an end to supes like homelander and his “friends,” even if that means someone else gets hurt in the process. you cannot trust him. if you’re not the wolfs food, you’re bait.he still works under vought, but he does his best to avoid saying that he works “for” vought - because thats done. he doesn’t work for anyone. he works for himself. but easier to take down an empire from the inside, a trojan horse. he still performs his duties, but under their noses he’s feeding information to who he can that will report it, helping others that have the same goal in mind - knock homelander off his fucking pedastal and bring down vought entirely.
ㅤthe deeper you dig, the darker it gets :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ cold war ㅤ ——— ㅤ takes place, obviously, during leon's experience during the cold war up to his incident in russia. he isn’t “powered” at this time, just an ordinary man behind enemy lines feeding information back to the u.s. about their neighbor super power. not a lot of interactions will take place here unless its plotted or your muse would actively be there.ㅤyou stay quiet while a war happens within you :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ pre series ㅤ ——— ㅤ takes place at any point during shilohs tenure at vought before the events of the series ever takes place. aka: anywhere from 1955 up until when the show starts. this is when he is officially “powered.”ㅤcontrol is an illusion :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ season one ㅤ ——— ㅤ season one is mostly just shiloh following voughts orders. taking out targets, using intimidation tactics, making sure their message is clear. cleaning up the messes. the works.ㅤand what of the beast inside you? :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ season two ㅤ ——— ㅤ details to come. by the end of season two, shiloh begins to realize who and what he’s working for exactly and starts his change: planning voughts destruction.ㅤyou've become familiar with destruction :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ season three ㅤ ——— ㅤthis is main since this season is the only one that i’ve seen in full (don’t judge me). shiloh is actively and silently trying to pull at the strings that hold the foundation of vought together, helping those who want to take down the company and the supes that have been protected by vought for years. he kind of doesn’t care what happens to him at this point, if he dies in the process of trying to tear it down then he dies - he’s come to terms with the idea of dying a long time ago and it hasn’t changed. its kind of a whatever it takes kind of attitude but every move he makes is silent, leading to a bigger crescendo by the end.ㅤthe gentle art of making enemies :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ season four ㅤ ——— ㅤ this is only one version of season four. more will come with the new season premiers. for now, this is my own version of canon. after the events of season 3 come to light, shiloh is betrayed by a close partner he thought he could trust. things do not go as planned. there is a confrontation, a bloody and brutal fight, and a daring escape but only by the skin of his teeth. shiloh is bloody, broken, and officially on his own. he disappears. complete radio silence from those who know him, who trust him, who need him. he doesn’t know who he can trust, not now. not yet. it takes him weeks to heal, weeks to know who is on his side and who isn’t. who he can trust with the knowledge of his survival. not many. shiloh continues his work giving what he can to those willing to face the company, homelander and those loyal to him, but almost entirely underground. at least until he’s ready to reveal his fate.ㅤfind peace to settle the storm in your heart :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ post series ㅤ ——— ㅤ retirement verse. takes place after the events of the show, whatever they may be. vought is gone, supes are few and far between. shiloh is finally letting himself settle after years of working for that wretched company. he moves back to missouri after a few years of not being able to handle the loud bustle of new york anymore, wanting to find peace in the aftermath of everything. he opens a shop where he fixes anything from motorcycles to cars for a living and slowly works on finding his peace with the events of his life, the things he’d done, and earning redemption.ㅤthe product of bad fortune :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ comic ㅤ ——— ㅤ marvel and dc. vought is still a rather large company, a well known company - might we add, that deals in the makings of superheroes, or rather… in the business of creating something they can control (in marvel specific verses, vought is a division of shield and worked on various other versions / perfecting their own super serum. in most versions, this can mean they were attached mostly with the hidden, underlying hydra connections to shield). shiloh still works for the company, still does most of the dirty work, still worked as a spy before turning over to vought. sometimes he goes on big missions with the big superheroes (in dc specific verses, he can be with heroes but he can also be with the anti-heroes, things like suicide squad. the works.), more often he’s there in the aftermath.ㅤwhat we did in the dark :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ normal ㅤ ——— ㅤ modern / normal verses. more or less follows his biography but in more modern settings. everything happens: military service, spy, job went wrong and nearly getting killed. getting into a companies drug trial, but make it modern and shady where a largely government funded company created the serum and tested globally on volunteers within service and others unknowingly. heavily inspired by terminal list.ㅤdirty deeds done for cheap :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ call of duty ㅤ ——— ㅤ based in a normal verse. more or less follows his biography but in more modern settings. everything happens: military service, cia, job went wrong and nearly getting killed. but instead of giving in, he’s reinstated in the cia and mostly works undercover in the field on various operations, often in joint task forces. (ALTERNATE VERSION: after the mission that nearly gets him killed in the cia, they fully intend to desk him when he returns after recovery but shiloh won’t have it – so he trades “the badge” for pmc work and digs into shadow company.)ㅤyou are a myth :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ citadel ㅤ ——— ㅤ based on amazon prime series citadel. more or less follows canon as we know it. more detailed information to come. basics: shiloh is one of citadels top spies, a close tie with mason kane and nadia sinq. the world is right, safe, no thanks to their efforts. but all it takes is one agent to betray them and it all collapses. citadel falls. agents all over the world are being murdered by manticore, hired guns by powerful families. when its discovered that mason and nadia are gone, shiloh knows that its only a matter of time until he’s next. and certainly enough, his site is attacked and he barely manages to escape with his life. shiloh buries himself as far underground as he could, keeping a low profile until he learns more about whats going on. and for eight years, he looks for survivors of manticores massacre. he finds only one. a tech engineer and handler, benard orlick. and shiloh helps him to reestablish what little is left of citadel, find survivors, and find out who betrayed them.
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ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.ㅤURLHEREㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.